Goodbye Boob Mansion!
It was snowing when we moved in, and it was snowing when we moved out. Funny how life sometime delivers little unexpected bookends that make it all feel meant to be, even if bittersweet.
This week, we said goodbye to our incredible home of the last three years. Goodbye “Boob Mansion”.
That’s right, for the last three years, EB’s home has been a historic mansion in the hills of our beautiful city, Portland, OR. Three stories tall, it had an often-eerie attic, and a basement that could definitely raise the hairs on the back of your neck on a cold, dark morning. Despite some only half in jest ghost tales over the years, there’s no doubt in my mind that we will look back with nostalgia on our memories in that incredible old house, built in 1914.
Now, our team is looking to the future in our new digs. We have a freshly painted modern office space in a great community building, surrounded by vibrant restaurants and businesses. In this new space, we’ll all be together on the same floor, within ears reach of each other at all times. We are all looking forward to having even shorter lines of communication, and an even more collaborative environment.
The team has had to work double time (well, we already work double time, so…triple time?) during this move, and I couldn’t be more proud of how well we pulled this off. A chunk of the team has been across the country at a big intimates trade show, so we’ve had to lean on each other to pull it off. We are living proof of how much can get done when fierce women come together around a shared mission.
So, goodbye Boob Mansion, and thank you. We’ll remember standing in the kitchen, toasting to a recent accomplishment, singing happy birthday to our teammates, and weathering the losses together, too.
Tomorrow we start building new memories, in our new home. Onward and upward, Team EB!