In our Fierce Females series, we introduce you to the inspiring women in the EB community.
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Denise Foley is on a mission to disrupt the swimwear industry by providing swimwear that is truly size inclusive. We are so excited to share Denise's story and brand with you today, because it's so similar to our own!
Denise has been a DD cup her entire adult life. She was NEVER able to find swimwear that she loved of felt comfortable in. After years of searching and being left empty handed, she decided to leave her corporate job of 16 years and create
Sunset Vibes Swimwear
On her journey, she realized there was a massive gap in the market for women with a C cup or bigger, that wanted swimwear that was comfortable and supportive but still sexy and stylish. Her mission is to empower women to feel more confident in their bodies by providing swimwear with the perfect fit and Effortless Support™ Technology.
Denise built the brand while she was pregnant, with help from her mom - the companies lead product developer.
sponsored by the Caress Dreams Fund.
As a company that got our start on Kickstarter, we know the power of crowdfunding. Putting your dollars behind women-led and innovation-focused businesses is a great way to propel our industry forward.
"I am a firm believer in 'You look good, you feel good, you do good.' And as a woman, that comfort starts with our under garments! You will not feel good if you aren't comfortable in your bra & underwear.
That's why I love Evelyn & Bobbie so much!"