This is one of the best moments of my life

This Mother’s Day, I want to share a little bit about what being a mom means to me. Now, there is nothing new that I can say about being a Mom. It has been a true blessing. It’s made me a better person; forces me to slow down in some real teeth-gritting ways; I have embraced the messiness of life a hell of a lot more. All of these things have been said many times before me. But nonetheless, they are true.
Tonight during our bedtime routine with my littlest girl, she asked if she could curl up on my chest. It was heaven. I breathed in the smell of her hair and just felt the enormous weight of our love all around us. With more past-due items on my to-do list than I would like to admit, sometimes I lose sight of just being in the moment. It can be hard. But tonight, I was really there with her. Swallowed up and deep in the belly of gratitude. I thought to myself,
“this is one of the best moments of my life”.
I buy farmer-raised chickens from another Mom in my community. Our five-year-old is sick, so I drove out to her farm to get some chicken for soup. She is also a mission-driven entrepreneur, and her baby boy also had the bug. He had been fussy for days. We had a moment where we connected on how it is hard–really hard–to be Mom, and balance it all. I was grateful for her vulnerability. It felt like we were in it together.
My mom, Lisa, is one of the toughest–and simultaneously–most loving women in the world. As I figure out how to be a mom, and a decent human being,
I find myself sending daily gratitude to my mom for all the ways she has been a teacher to me.
Evelyn, her mother, died too young. My mom missed a lot of years with her. I hope she feels how much I love her, for exactly who she is, and how grateful am to have her, every day.
Whatever “mom” means to you, I hope you can find warmth, love, and gratitude this Mother’s Day.

Founder + CEO