Happy Thanksgiving from Team EB

To Our Dear Customers,

If ever I got the blues, Aunt Bobbie would prescribe a nightly gratitude journal.
“Write down the first five things you think of that you’re grateful for, right before bed, and leave it on your bed stand. Your subconscious will hold those things for all the hours you sleep.”

And she was right. It worked every time.
The power of gratitude is no secret these days.

For me, this time of year is a time to take stock in all I have to be grateful for. And I have to admit, there’s a lot.

This year I married the man of my dreams, who came with two incredible children, and then had a beautiful baby girl to make a family of five.
The amazing team of inspired women who make up EB brought joy, innovation, and comfort to thousands of women across the world. And I got to watch them do it.

Every week, we got to read love letters from our customers, hearing stories of back pain and chronic shoulder tension — finally relieved. Stories from women facing cancer and surgeries, body changes and new life challenges… all made a little easier by the products we make with so much care and love.

Thank you, dear reader, for your part in my dream. When I founded this company, I set out to create something of value that mattered to women. You have been part of making my dream a reality.

I wish you and your family a warm, love-filled holiday season. I am so grateful for YOU.

     With Love,

     Bree & Team EB